I can also safely assume that if your symptoms are made worse by hypermobility then having some quack adjust your cervical spine is a terrible idea and is literally the opposite of a. The chiropractor uses a special tool called the Atlas orthogonal instrument to apply gentle force, which corrects the upper cervical. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine by means of its uppermost vertebra (C1 AKA the “atlas”). The Atlas supports the weight of the head most efficiently in the orthogonal position. This technique is unlike standard chiropractic care, where manual manipulation is performed. He went on to receive his Doctor in Chiropractic degree with honors in research from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. Paporto is one of only 400 doctors worldwide who are board certified in the Atlas Orthogonal Technique. Roy Sweat, the founder of Atlas Orthogonal and a close mentor of Dr. Atlas Orthogonal procedures utilize no manual manipulation. The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. The theory is that your cervical spine is out of alignment and throws the rest of your body "out of alignment", all hokey BS. Through precise x-rays, the exact misalignment of the spine is determined. If you have ever studied Greek mythology Atlas was the guy who held the world on top of his outstretched arms. What is Atlas Orthogonal? Health Conditions & NUCCA; NUCCA, Pediatrics & Pregnancy; Pediatric and Pregnancy Chiropractic; Auto Accidents; Personalized Exercise and Stretching Programs; Digital X-Rays; Long Lasting Results; Other TreatmentsThe Atlas Orthogonal (A. T. Atlas Orthogonal is a safe, gentle method of treating neck pain and spinal misalignment. The C1 bone is called the atlas and the C2 bone has a part that sticks up (dens) that fits into the atlas: This CCJ area has many ligaments that connect C1 to C2 and C2 to the skull. BJ Palmer and, subsequently, Dr John Grostic. The Atlas supports the weight of the head most efficiently in the orthogonal position. Atlas Orthogonal Introduction (8:45) Watch this easy to understand description of the Atlas Orthogonal technique. Roy and Matthew Sweat. The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. Our clinic uses the Atlas Orthogonal system of health care exclusively to care for our patients. When you get this chiropractic adjustment technique from a Board Certified specialist, they’ll realign the Atlas using special equipment. Atlas Orthogonal is leak quackery. The Atlas supports the weight of the head most efficiently in the orthogonal position. North Carolina's Top Rated Atlas Orthogonal Professionals. Sweat, the founder of the Atlas Orthogonal Technique (AO), while still in college. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. Sweat with the aid of engineers at Georgia Tech University. Who Needs Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic? When most people think of Chiropractic they think of neck pain, back pain or muscle aches. As an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor treating patients from all over the mid-Atlantic area, including Washington, DC and the Washington metro area, Dr. Upon graduating, Dr. Atlas orthogonal technique. If all nucca /ao xrays show atlas in place, then it is in place most likely as even they don’t get it 100 percent but they are content with getting it “close” . The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. Does she feel it is moving her in the right direction? Atlas Orthogonal is an upper cervical adjustment technique that seeks to adjust the atlas back into its proper position, the orthogonal or neutral position. Atlas Orthogonal is a safe, gentle method of treating neck pain and spinal misalignment. Then the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment itself is performed to the upper neck, but instead of cracking or twisting the neck, Atlas Orthogonal uses a gentle percussive wave. Atlas orthogonal technique. It makes no sense and is not congruent with modern medical science. What is Atlas Orthogonal? History of chiropractic ierano. The focus of the NUCCA work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck), the atlas (top bone surrounding the brainstem) and its influence on the. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is an upper cervical chiropractic treatment technique created by Frederick M. The Atlas Orthogonist (or thog’ ah nist) is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio- mechanics of the upper cervical spine. Dr. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. If you have ever studied Greek mythology Atlas was the guy who held the world on top of his outstretched arms. I have a hard time believing its efficacy, however. C1 laterality is defined as the side of the acute angle and magnitude in degrees away from 90°, of the angle formed by the atlas plane line and the central. The Atlas Orthogonal Program is a revolutionary advancement in chiropractic upper cervical techniques used to find and correct misalignment of the first vertebrae of the spine, the atlas bone. The Atlas vertebra is also known as C1 and is the top bone in the spine which supports the head. This procedure is based on scientific and biomechanical principles. It is a technique which uses a percussion instrument in attempts to adjust what is measured from specific X-rays and found to be a vertebral subluxation. Atlas Orthogonal is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine at the uppermost vertebra which is commonly known as Atlas. The Atlas Orthogonist (or thog’ ah nist) is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio- mechanics of the upper cervical spine. Balance can be restored to the body to promote and allow healing. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. Well, the atlas is the first vertebra of the spine. I would voice my concerns with the chiro, and if you aren't satisfied with the answers, find someone else. The muscles that keep the atlas in its proper place are wired to your eyes in such a strong way that their fibers get. Colavita serves as an FDA inspector of the Atlas Orthogonal instrument and has been a contributing author on many texts and educational materials concerning the atlas orthogonal approach and therapy. Who Needs Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic? When most people think of Chiropractic they think of neck pain, back pain or muscle aches. The Atlas supports the weight of the head most efficiently in the orthogonal position. Vogel and Roy W. Paporto is one of only about 400 doctors worldwide who are board certified in Atlas. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. Either choice is an exceptional one and the right choice for TMJ and tinnitus issues. AtlasPROfilax is NOT an adjustment or realignment. This. Chiropractors can be accessed directly by visiting their centers. The structural balance of the human body is maintained by the precise interaction of the muscles which, under control of the nervous system, permit the skeletal framework to move and flex in a relatively unrestricted manner. The ATLAS ORTHOGONIST (or thog’ ah nist) is a doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific. An atlas orthogonal treatment is specifically designed to correct the positioning of an individual's spine. This experience led him to work with Dr. /Sacro Occipital Technique Flexion Distraction/Cox Technique Therapeutic Exercise Custom Foot Orthotics Ultrasound Electrical Muscle Stimulation Cryotherapy Workers Compensation Personal Injury Sports Injury Links Testimonials Q & A Exercise Videos 3. By doing so, we straighten the spine and allow the nervous system to function properly, thereby preventing or correcting many serious health conditions that have a significant impact on quality of life. What Is Atlas Orthogonal Treatment? An Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic that has extensive training and post-graduate work specializing in correcting spinal realignment by means of an atlas orthogonal percussion instrument. Atlas orthogonal is a flavor of a a broader group called upper cervical. There's no popping or cracking in the adjustment either. Atlas Chiropractic is a technique used to assess the upper neck and its relationship to the cranium. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure is an instrument-based upper cervical chiropractic technique that utilizes mathematics and physics to put numbers to an adjustment. Collins 1. 34K subscribers 18K views 10 years ago This short video explains the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure and topics. Atlas Orthogonal is a specialty in chiropractic; it can help relieve pain and suffering, promote healthy growth and development, and improve well-being - for both body and mind. Atlas Orthogonal is a healthcare program for the spine, initially developed by Dr. What is Atlas Orthogonal? Are NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal Treatments the Same? NUCCA is a gentle, non-invasive upper cervical chiropractic and atlas chiropractic. The focus of the NUCCA work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck), the atlas (top bone surrounding the brainstem) and its influence on the. Even more specifically, practitioners of the Atlas Orthogonal technique concentrate on the Atlas vertebrae – the very first bone in the neck. The average weight of the head is 9-14 lbs. It’s called the atlantoaxial joint or A. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. With proper alignment of the atlas bone, the spine can. They receive extensive training and education of the field in their institutes. O. It is a whole-body technique because it focuses on the atlas as a. The Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is done by a very gentle instrument within the normal range of motion of the joint, and can more completely correct a broad range of complex cases and symptoms due to the high level of precision and mechanical advantage of the approach. One of the most obvious differences is the gentle, painless way in which an Atlas Orthogonist works. This misalignment can block the communication between your brain and body. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is discussed on the tv show "The Doctors". There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. These scans allow chiropractors to be more precise with their adjustments. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is an upper cervical chiropractic treatment technique created by Frederick M. The second cervical vertebrae, is the axis, or C2. Rather than twisting or applying abrupt force, the upper cervical chiropractor uses an x-ray to identify the precise angle and delivers a gentle yet highly effective adjustment. The chiropractor uses a special tool called the Atlas orthogonal instrument to apply gentle force, which corrects the upper cervical. Johnston completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Santa Cruz. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. 167 likes · 36 were here. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. Roundy and Clark use special radiographic views to determine the extent and direction of spinal misalignment. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. instrument allows for an adjustment that requires such a light force that patients, who may expect more forceful manipulations as part of their treatment, find it. Roy W. What is Atlas Orthogonal? Learn about the revolutionary technique utilized by Dr. Atlas orthogonal is a flavor of a a broader group called upper cervical. The Atlas Orthogonal system is a painless and safe spinal correction which restores body balance and reactivates the body’s natural healing abilities. The precision of the A. Chiropractors can be accessed directly by visiting their centers. ago. They receive extensive training and education of the field in their institutes. I tried dental appliances, physical therapy, cortisone injections, and spent a lot of money. Schwartz | Watch the videos below to learn what we do and why we do it. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. For some background - I have had multiple concussions (four or so). I took maximum doses of anti-inflammatory drugs. comicsgamesmovies • 3 yr. Then the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment itself is performed to the upper neck, but instead of cracking or twisting the neck, Atlas Orthogonal uses a gentle percussive wave. A Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Doctor of Chiropractic uses specific x-ray views to determine the extent and. Dr. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is an upper cervical chiropractic treatment technique created by Frederick M. The hypothesis is that a better outcome should occur when the first chiropractic atlas adjustment changes atlas laterality by more than 30% toward the orthogonal upper cervical alignment. The fact that she feels both better and worse after the adjustments is a testament to the fact that the gentle force is making an effect, imho. The atlas is the first and top cervical vertebrae (C1), holding the head (occiput) and thus forms the atlanto-occipital joint (A-O). Gregory received a Presidential Honor Society Certificate degree. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine by means of its uppermost vertebra (C1 AKA the “atlas”). Nygaard’s. Dr. We use a state-of-the-art adjusting instrument along with highly detailed x-rays. Technique (Atlas Orthogonal) is a safe, effective and gentle program utilizing precision treatment without drugs, surgery or spinal manipulation. It is now thought that input into the. preventative care and the treatment of pre-existing conditions. The Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic who, in addition to six or more years of education, utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. The Atlas orthogonal treatment takes a holistic approach to alleviating neck pain and treating a misaligned Atlas. Sweat Institute for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, Atlanta, Georgia. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is an effective approach. 25 of a degree then it is somewhat stable for weeks , months or even years. I firmly believe in the miracle of the Atlas Orthogonal training and think Dr. The Atlas Orthogonal system is a painless and safe spinal correction which restores body balance and increases the body’s natural healing ability. So it is with the atlas bone. The Atlas Orthogonal Program was developed with specificity in mind. I usually see at least 50% improvement in 2 to 4 weeks using more modern techniques; diversified, ART, Gradton, rehab exercises. The Atlas is a 2-ounce bone that supports the base of the skull, which weighs 9-17 pounds. Does she feel it is moving her in the right direction? The Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is done by a very gentle instrument within the normal range of motion of the joint, and can more completely correct a broad range of complex cases and symptoms due to the high level of precision and mechanical advantage of the approach. Our clinic uses the Atlas Orthogonal system to care for our patients. Most chiropractors recommend a specialized atlas adjustment called atlas orthogonal treatment. Dr. It also aids the body in recovering quickly from spinal surgery and reduces pain. The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. He attends regular, ongoing training to stay up-to-date on the latest chiropractic techniques and medical knowledge. We have positive results with such conditions as: Athletic injuries Auto accident injuries Migraines Multiple Sclerosis Arthritis Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia Asthma Chronic pain or stress Best Add a Comment doctor_ben • 5 yr. Instead of using abrupt force that causes popping or cracking, the Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a gentle correction. What is Atlas Orthogonal? How is it different than other chiropractic techniques? Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, as practiced by Dr. Roy Sweat, the developer of Atlas Orthogonal technique, in Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlas Orthogonist is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic who, in addition to six or more years of education, utilizes a light force method of specifically adjusting the spine. Specialties: Advanced Orthogonal, Atlas Orthogonal, Blair Upper Cervical: Huntersville, North Carolina, United. Gregory Thomas is an Owner and Chiropractor at Atlas Orthogonal based in Atlanta, Georgia. If you “have your head on straight,” thank your atlas. Are NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal Treatments the Same? NUCCA is a gentle, non-invasive upper cervical chiropractic and atlas chiropractic approach developed more than forty years ago. For patients who want the benefits of chiropractic care but are wary or afraid of strong spinal adjustments, Atlas Orthogonal is a great option. Patients who only get temporary relief are then more likely to be chronically. At Heights Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Clinic, our focus is both. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. In short, the atlas orthogonal treatment is much more gentle and specific. The gentle force is the measure needed to adjust the atlas according to those that do the technique (I do not). The philosophy stresses that incorrect alignment of the spine might be the cause of all disease. It helps alleviate back pain, shoulder and neck pain, as well as osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other conditions . Atlas Orthogonal is a gentle, effective approach to renewed health and relief of discomfort without manipulation. Atlas orthogonal is a flavor of a a broader group called upper cervical. We precisely measure spinal misalignments. This was the one that caused the PCS that never went away. What is Atlas Orthogonal? Atlas Orthogonal is an engineering term. The Technique. There is no guess work! This technique differs from traditional chiropractic in that it does not involve any "pop" or "crack" of the spine. ago Atlas Orthogonal is not a dangerous technique. No rotation or “pop” joint cavitation occurs with an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment. Atlas orthogonal technique. The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique Atlas orthogonal technique. In the adjusting head of the instrument, there is a solenoid that strikes a stylus. Atlas Orthogonal Technique is a system of adjusting subluxations of the cervical spine by means of its uppermost vertebra (C1, also known as the “atlas”). Our clinic uses the Atlas Orthogonal system of health care exclusively, to care for our patients. When the atlas is in its proper position the rest of the spine will naturally align back into place. The A. Previously, Gregory was a Respiratory Therapist at Emor y-Adventist Hospital and also held positions at Presbyterian Healthcare Services. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a painless and safe spinal correction, which restores body balance and improves body functions through alignment of the Atlas vertebrae. I usually see at least 50% improvement in 2 to 4 weeks using more modern techniques; diversified, ART, Gradton, rehab exercises. Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a chiropractic technique that involves using a specialized instrument to adjust the atlas or the first cervical vertebra in the spine. Dr. From his clinic, Advanced Atlas Orthogonal Clinic South in Des Moines, Washington, he provides advanced health care. Dr. The atlas orthogonaltechnique is a very gentle and precise method that corrects any misalignment within the upper cervical spine using the atlas orthogonal percussion instrument. The fact that she feels both better and worse after the adjustments is a testament to the fact that the gentle force is making an effect, imho. An Atlas Orthogonal Specialist has specialized, post-graduate training in the structure, function and biomechanics of the upper cervical spine. Atlas Orthogonal is a pain-free and safe spinal correction that restores balance and reactivates the natural healing powers of your body. Correcting the out-of-position Atlas can have reverberating effects on the entire body, supporting recovery from injuries, and can improve many aspects of a patient's health. Schedule an Appointment Recent Posts Atlas Chiropractic Welcomes Former Patients of The Atlas and Spine Center of Greater Washington, PC 5 Top Weight Loss Apps for a New You This Year The Atlas is a 2-ounce bone that supports the base of the skull, which weighs 9-17 pounds.